Monday, September 22, 2008

Today's edm was to sketch a lamp. So I decided to sketch my favorite lamp, my night light. I looked and thought why not sketch the entire night table, thus I did. I truely like this group, Every Day Matters because it is pushing me beyond my normal realm of artwork. Never before had I sketched or painted an area in my home..yet I love the subject matter. Thanks Every Day Matters. This is painted on Strathmore cold press watercolor paper with windsor newton paints.
Due to the fact I am terrible with perspective, my husband helped me some by giving me his roller ruler and suggestions.


Kathleen said...

welcome Peg this is a great painting-- I also enjoyed your sandals - It took me quite awhile before I learned to comment efficiently

bettyfromtexas said...

This is just a lovely, lovely painting!! It has such atmosphere!!!

Donn said...

Very lovely painting of your lamp. My wife has one like it. You are doing a great job. Keep it up.

Sarah M said...

This is beautiful. I love the way you've expressed the light in the lamp and on the wall. Great painting!

Luba said...

Such a wonderful painting!

Lynn said...

This is such a pretty sketch! Like how you included the clock and part of the bed. It tells a story.

Ann said...

Beautiful! I love the mood of this.