Saturday, September 20, 2008

Flight of the Raven Painted

Here's the ravens painted. They really do have an air of distinction about them. This was created in watercolor with ink.


Timaree said...

That is a great picture. I don't think I could do this even from a sketch I'd drawn from what I saw. I always forget important parts.

Ann said...

This is really very nice. I like the pumpkins below too. And welcome to EDM!

R K said...

Brooding and beautiful. Nice work.

kazumiwannabe said...

Wow! Fantastic, the birds and the dark sky!

June said...

Excellent work. I really love it!

Anetka said...

Great work! I love that sky!:)

Monette Satterfield said...

I really like these ravens. Birds are my current subject and these are compelling.
Funny, I found your blog through watercolor workshop and then see that you're an EDM'er as well. Welcome and great to see your work.