Sunday, September 21, 2008

Edm #1

Today I started the edms. This is #1, draw a shoe. I was short on time so I just used pastels to add color. I challenged my husband to join me. He did and before he has even been accepted to the group has drawn his first edm. :)

These were my sandals for this summer. I bought them on discount. I loved the style...and no stringy between the toes.


bettyfromtexas said...

CUTE shoes!! Excellent!

Quilt knit said...

I neat! Love your choice of Summer Shoes.
Great work! Are you going to use just one Moleskin or sketchbook for the EDMs. I am using one Sketchbook maybe two for the first - How many are there? I hope the DH does this with you. It would be so impressive to see the drawings side by side. Especially, on the same subjects.

Sherrie Roberts

Momma Ninja said...

I like your shoes! I think it is a very good drawing. I too started with EDM #1 last week, and my husband and kids joined me. We each had a different pair of shoes. I wish we had done another challenge over the weekend!

MaryO said...

Nice work! And how nice that your husband joined you in this challenge. I'm sorry you didn't post his drawing, too!


Well done. I love the angle!

Timaree said...

Great drawing. Where is your husband's? The pastels worked out great for this picture.

kazumiwannabe said...

Nice shoes, and your drawing is very neat!