Thursday, September 25, 2008

Edm #3

Here is my edm #3. We had to draw a purse or wallet, so I decided to draw my winter purse.

By the way my hubby has now joined me with sketching these edms. His blog is here.

Edm #4

Today's sketch was to draw a mug or cup. I drew my fav mug with my fav drink in it...mmmm coffee.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Today's edm was to sketch a lamp. So I decided to sketch my favorite lamp, my night light. I looked and thought why not sketch the entire night table, thus I did. I truely like this group, Every Day Matters because it is pushing me beyond my normal realm of artwork. Never before had I sketched or painted an area in my home..yet I love the subject matter. Thanks Every Day Matters. This is painted on Strathmore cold press watercolor paper with windsor newton paints.
Due to the fact I am terrible with perspective, my husband helped me some by giving me his roller ruler and suggestions.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Edm #1

Today I started the edms. This is #1, draw a shoe. I was short on time so I just used pastels to add color. I challenged my husband to join me. He did and before he has even been accepted to the group has drawn his first edm. :)

These were my sandals for this summer. I bought them on discount. I loved the style...and no stringy between the toes.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Flight of the Raven Painted

Here's the ravens painted. They really do have an air of distinction about them. This was created in watercolor with ink.

Flight of the Raven Sketch

Here's today's sketch. Ravens are birds that attract my attention. Today while sitting out on my patio having my morning coffee 3 ravens kept swirling and soaring above me. So I decided to sketch them. I enjoy feeling their flight.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Healing Through Art by Peg

This is my latest painting. It was created for a challenge at Watercolor Workshop.

It was created with ink, watercolor, and touches of acrylic. I tried being very loose with the painting style.

Pumpkins remind me so much of autumn and cinnamon and pumpkin pie. Which is one of my favorites.